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It is in the compelling zest of high adventure and of victory, and in creative action, that man finds his supreme joys.
~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Apparently It Has To Be Good...

...the script that is.
Apparently , if the script is good, it will sell.
Apparently, if you have a huge 'story molecule' with 'good idea' neutrons then, as science is science, successful writing is just that.
However, if I write the script myself and it sells then not only is there a mid six figure smile to be had, but it's also known as a 'Spec Script' , but if that doesn't sell then it can become a 'writing example' which means it might get you pitched to write for other 'in the works' ideas or pitches!
Oh and sometimes it can take over five years to complete and be good enough to get your script to an A+ stage.
OK , fine, I get all this and to be just motivates me more!
It motivates me to get the thing done and to keep going.
It makes me understand that if it is truly good, then it will be acknowledged as such - apparently 'I am the expert' because I am writing about something I know about, something from within me , so who else would be the expert if not me? !!

However, I do get caught between the old style way of writing and the new modern way (i.e like a diary vs a blog) and find that I make notes written on paper AND in MS One Note! I don't seem to have ideas collated in one place and if they are , they are duplicated! I need a piece of blank paper, football pitch in size and and a really small nibbed pen - THEN, I think I could make my notes, my time lines and my story beats fit!

Maybe I need roller-dex cards and I could write my ideas out on there - mmm must remember to number the suckers if I do, or one lollop off the coffee table and the story would end up Tarentino style; back to front!!!

It's also hard to try and change my working hat - one minute I am writing or rather Researching and trying to make sense of all the information and the next minute I feel I need to learn my art before I try and approach it. Lets face it, the only thing I have written is several stories at school, my own accounts of the Rallying world, foreign travel and half a book that was wiped when the laptop died in 1999!

But, as they say - the mind has to be exercised like any other muscle and as such by just thinking about my goal and achieving my first written script (blimey, I said First...seems the subconscious has plans for me!) and by maybe just writing things here, I can exercise my writing brain to produce a script that I feel the expert on, the script that is good, just because it is!

Sunday, 27 July 2008

Too Many Other Things To Do...

If I sit and make a list of things I want to get on with (now that I don't have to study so much) it takes me as long to write and sort the list out as to do any of the items on it!
Still trying to find that glint of inspiration that I think anyone who writes struggles with and the more I learn about screenplay writing, the more I think the novel is a better idea, but then the more I learn about writing the novel, the easier the screenplay becomes!
Then there's the garden - still got two more gardens to sort out - the back one is fairly self sufficient with a little TLC, the side needs a full re-dig after the Tulips have spent another year in there and the Lillies just didnt perform to my standards. The front, just needs TLC but I am trying to avoid going the garden centre, because I tend to spend hours there and bring half of it back with me - and I have run out of room!
The cross-stitch still needs attention - been saying that since 2003
The drumming - is going well but like anything , you get what you put in!
The decorating - that gets shelved until winter anyhoo - some jobs are just made for indoors and summertime aint the time!

And now it's Sunday - the last weekend before I start my new job on 4th August so by rights I should be doing all the jobs that I dont want to do next weekend ie) sorting wardrobe, cleaning house to within an inch of its life, ironing, gardening, paperwork etc etc, but , as it stands I am sitting here watching 'Something For the Weekend' blogging, marmalade on toast, tea and the guilt that if I can sit and type this, I can damn well sit and write some more of the book/screenplay!!

Wednesday, 23 July 2008


Just a start to notations! A blog of a thousand pages begins with just a single post!