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It is in the compelling zest of high adventure and of victory, and in creative action, that man finds his supreme joys.
~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Saturday, 26 June 2010


Yes, it's me.
I'm not paying a ghost-blogger to do it for me...but now you come to mention one...maybe...


I'm getting back into writing my thoughts on my Compelling Zest blog.

I've had a little edit and update on my profile page and I've a few things I want to pop on - I've had a lot to comment on laterly so figured I had best get my blog dusted off and use this in tandem with my Twitter and Facebook accounts.

For someone not very sociable, I'm a very Social person it appears!!

Ok, so, I may jot down a random feeling a thought, a memory, opinions, comments on things I am reading or researching - if you like it, come along for the ride, if you don't, there will be plenty of stops along the way for you to alight and hop back on at a later stop....

It's good to have you along to share.....
