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It is in the compelling zest of high adventure and of victory, and in creative action, that man finds his supreme joys.
~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Saturday, 16 August 2008

I keep finding stuff......

No matter what iron is in my fire, I have to keep adding to it........

I keep finding stuff I want to do and somehow I fail to find the time (and physical energy) to have a go at them all - I swear it's where all the headaches come from, the brain just won't shut down!!!

Forget the housework, the going to work, the homely chores, I'm talking about ALL those things that interest me, that fire me up, the stuff I don't know how to do and want to know how!

Take gardening, not a big fan of it; too impatient to watch things grow and not a clue where to start. Well, I didn't three years ago but after a bit of practise, I still don't have a clue, but I have a pretty good idea where to start and from that point I have learnt to let nature tell me what to do next. Nature lets you make mistakes and rectify them the next year - it's the best learning curve there is! It's just a pity the British weather makes for a poor classroom assistant.

Take drumming, I did it as a teenager, too busy to keep it up and no detached house to fit a kit into, well, not much changed here, but I still enjoy my drumming lessons, it's a skill I don't have and an activity I truly enjoy and I want to learn it to my highest level!

Take writing this screenplay I have started on. Too busy to write twenty four seven (More's the pity) and as a slave to my inner creativity I often find I can go days before inspiration bites and I write more. I still have a very long way to go with this project, but like with all of my passions they tend to buzz around my head like an incessant worker bee until the work is done!

Take the cross stitch I started in 2003 for my Mum and still haven't finished it! It's been to Australia and Sardegna with me, it's been worked on in sunshine and in the heart of the winter months, it's had bits redone because I made a mistake and had to rectify it (no one else would have known, but I would, seeing it hung on the wall, errors and all). But, I will finish it, when I can and preferably before I die!

Take learning Italian. Too busy to sit down and have Italian lessons during the week , so I utilise the time I have in the car (in between TomTom giving me verbal directions) with a learn Italian CD, I have a feeling I will be looking at ways of learning stuff in my sleep at this rate just to fit it all in!

Take the house and all it's redecoration jobs. My pot of ideas is bigger than the pot of gold!

Take the bespoke, designer shelving system I want to make for the living room wall and again my pot of ideas is bigger than the pot of gold and the pot of time!

Take the wood carving ( Grandad used to be a wood carver so I naturally think I am able!!) , not only do I want to finish the cross stitch but I want to frame it in a hand carved wood frame, one that I carved with teddy bears to match the cross stitch (or rather have to as I can't find one to buy anywhere and if I have to commission one, I'll commission it to myself!!) and it all has to be as perfect as I can possibly make it.

I have a feeling that as most people role their previous years annual leave in to the next holiday year, I will be rolling my wants and desires into my next life!! I'd like to think that all these current interests are enough to keep me entertained for the next 30 or 40 years, but I think we know I'll find more along the way......................

Right, time to get writing/sewing/carving/learning Italian/drumming/gardening (delete as appropriate according to creative flow ;0)


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